Theresa Seipp


Drunen, M. van, Fahy, R., Seipp, T.

Defining the ‘media’ in Europe: pitfalls of the proposed European Media Freedom Act

In: Journal of Media Law, 2023.

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Seipp, T.

Media Concentration Law: Gaps and Promises in the Digital Age

In: Media and Communication, vol. 11, ed. 2, pp. 392-405, 2023.

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Seipp, T.

Dealing with opinion power and media concentration in the platform era


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Dodds, T., Helberger, N., Resendez, V., Seipp, T., Vreese, C. de

Popularity-driven Metrics: Audience Analytics and Shifting Opinion Power to Digital Platforms

In: Journalism Studies, 2023.

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Ausloos, J., Helberger, N., Seipp, T., Vreese, C.H. de

Dealing with Opinion Power in the Platform World: Why We Really Have to Rethink Media Concentration Law

In: Digital Journalism, 2023.

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Seipp, T.

Book review: Media Freedom, by Damian Tambini

In: Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 2022.

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Brogi, E., Fahy, R., Idiz, D., Irion, K., Meiring, A., Parcu, P.L., Poort, J., Seipp, T., Verza, S. et. al.

Study on media plurality and diversity online

2022, ISBN: 978-92-76-51323-0, (Report commissioned by European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, written by Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), European University Institute, CiTiP (Centre for Information Technology and Intellectual Property) of KU Leuven, Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam (IViR/UvA), Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology, VUB- SMIT)).

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Seipp, T.

News media’s dependency on big tech: should we be worried?

In: Internet Policy Review, 2021, (Opinion).

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