Gijs van Til


Coutinho, M.F., Delinavelli, G., Fahy, R., Irion, K., Jusić, T., Kersevan Smokvina, T., Klimkiewicz, B., Llorens, C., Rozgonyi, K., Svensson, S., Til, G. van

The independence of media regulatory authorities in Europe

2019, (Capello, M. (ed.), IRIS Special 2019-1, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg).

(Links | BibTeX)

Til, G. van

Zelfregulering door online platforms: een waar wondermiddel tegen online desinformatie?

In: Mediaforum, vol. 2019, no. 1, pp. 2-13, 2019.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Til, G. van

The Netherlands in 'Automating Society – Taking Stock of Automated Decision-Making in the EU'


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Hugenholtz, P., Lindhout, P., Poort, J., Til, G. van

Film Financing and the Digital Single Market: its Future, the Role of Territoriality and New Models of Financing

2019, (Study requested by the CULT Committee, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, PE 629.186, European Parliament - January 2019).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Til, G. van

Waar het wringt: zoekmachines en hyperlinks als mededeling aan het publiek

In: AMI, vol. 2018, no. 3, pp. 103-109, 2018.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)