IViR has a strong presence in European and international academic networks through a broad array of activities. The institute regularly engages in national and international research collaborations, and collaborates with non-legal disciplines such as economics, communications science, computer science, philosophy, digital humanities and the arts.
Every year IViR organizes a few international conferences, workshops or other meetings where current research is being discussed. Researchers are also invited regularly to speak at national and international conferences and are members of different national and international committees. IViR’s researchers cooperate on a regular base with other foreign researchers and are members of editorial boards of journals and book series. For instance, Kluwer Law International publishes under editorial responsibility of Prof. Hugenholtz (editor-in-chief) the Information Law Series. IViR also works closely together with the European Audiovisual Observatory.
In addition to this, IViR cooperates with the following research institutes on different projects and topics:
- Berkeley Center for Law and Technology (UC Berkeley);
- Berkman Center for Internet and Society (Harvard University);
- Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law (München);
- Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law (NRCCL);
- University of Haifa Law School (Israël);
- Center for Intellectual Property and Information Law of the University of Cambridge (CIPIL);
- Institute for Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen (Norwegen);
- Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT).
Within the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam the Institute cooperates regularly with these centres:
- Amsterdam Centre for International Law (ACIL);
- Centre for the Study of European Contract Law;
- Amsterdam Centre for Law & Economics (ACLE);
- Economic Research Centre SEO (linked to the Faculty of Economics and Business)