Documentation Centre / IViR Room

The Documentation Centre or IViR Room of the Institute for Information Law contains a specialized collection of books, law journals and reports in the field of information law. The collection of international law journals constitutes the core of the library. Furthermore, the collection contains books on issues like intellectual property, copyright, privacy law, freedom of expression, media law and telecommunications law. The Documentation Centre is a specialized service for the information law researchers and master students of the institute and supplements the collections of the Law Library and University Library of the University of Amsterdam.

Visiting the IViR Room
The IViR Room serves primarily as a resource for IVIR staff members and is used for workshops, meetings, seminars etc. Students of the Master Information Law may consult the collection on Tuesdays from 10.00 – 17.00 hours.
The IViR Room is not a public study room!
Third parties can consult the collection to a limited extent, but only after making an appointment, see contact details below.
It is possible to photocopy, but books and journals are not lend out.

Visiting address:
Institute for Information Law
Roeterseilandcampus, Building A, 5th floor
IViR Room, 5.24
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

For more information please contact:

Rosanne van der Waal