Paul Keller


Keller, P.

A first look at the copyright relevant parts in the final AI Act compromise

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2023.

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Keller, P.

Gebruikersrechten door de achterdeur. Nationale implementaties van artikel 17 DSM-richtlijn en de uitspraak van het HvJ EU in de zaak Polen/EU (C-401/19)

In: Auteursrecht, iss. 1, pp. 12-17, 2023.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Keller, P.

Protecting creatives or impeding progress? Machine learning and the EU copyright framework

2023, visited: 20.02.2023.

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Keller, P., Reda, F.

Filtered Futures Conference: Exploring the Fundamental Rights Constraints of Automated Filtering After the CJEU Ruling on Article 17

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2022.

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Giorello, M., Keller, P., Quintais, J., Reda, F.

Video recording of the COMMUNIA Salon on the CJEU decision on Article 17 (Case C-401/19)


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Keller, P., Reda, F.

CJEU upholds Article 17, but not in the form (most) Member States imagined

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2022.

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Keller, P.

A vanishing right? The Sui Generis Database Right and the proposed Data Act

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2022.

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Keller, P.

Article 17, the year in review (2021 edition)

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2022.

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Keller, P.

YouTube Copyright Transparency Report: Overblocking is real

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P., Reda, J.

A Proposal to leverage Article 17 to build a public repository of Public Domain and openly licensed works

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P., Reda, J.

What Member States can learn from the AG opinion on Article 17

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P., Reda, J.

European Commission back-tracks on user rights in Article 17 Guidance

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P.

It’s 23 April 2021, so where is the Advocate General opinion in Case C-401/19 Poland v Parliament and Council?

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P.

Article 17: (Mis)understanding the intent of the legislator

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P.

Divergence instead of guidance: the Article 17 implementation discussion in 2020 – Part 2

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P.

Divergence instead of guidance: the Article 17 implementation discussion in 2020 – Part 1

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021.

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Keller, P.

Finnish Article 17 implementation proposal prohibits the use of automated upload filters

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020.

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Keller, P.

CJEU hearing in the Polish challenge to Article 17: Not even the supporters of the provision agree on how it should work

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020.

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Keller, P.

Hungary’s fast tracked implementation of Article 5 CDSM directive in response to the pandemic

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020.

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Keller, P.

Article 17 stakeholder dialogue: What we have learned so far - Part 1

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020.

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Keller, P.

Article 17 stakeholder dialogue: What we have learned so far - Part 2

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020.

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Keller, P.

Over artikel 14 DSM-richtlijn: Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit: Reactie van een fijnproever

In: AMI, vol. 2019, no. 5, pp. 172-173, 2019.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Keller, P., Margoni, T., Rybicka, K., Tarkowski, A.

Re-use of public sector information in cultural heritage institutions

In: International Free and Open Source Software Law Review, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-9., 2015.

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