Two Veni grants for IViR

IViR is extremely proud to announce that two IViR researchers, Jef Ausloos and João Pedro Quintais, have been awarded with a prestigious grant by the NWO Talent Scheme VENI for Social Sciences and Humanities.
With these grants, Jef and João will be able to carry out their innovative research projects on transparency and content moderation for a period of three years.

  • Jef Ausloos: Empowering Academia through Law: Transparency Rights as Enablers for Research in a Black Box Society 
    While modern technological developments have enabled the exponential growth of the ‘data society’, academia struggles to obtain research data from the companies managing our data infrastructures. Jef’s project will critically assess the scientific, legal and normative merits and challenges of using transparency rights as an innovative method for obtaining valuable research data.
    Read more about this interesting project here.
  • João Pedro Quintais: Responsible Algorithms: How to Safeguard Freedom of Expression Online
    Due to the unprecedented spread of illegal and harmful content online, EU law is changing. New rules enhance hosting platforms’ obligations to police content and censor speech, for which they increasingly rely on algorithms. João’s project examines the responsibility of platforms in this context from a fundamental rights perspective.
    Read more about this interesting project here.