Working Group on human rights in the digital age: update

The Working Group on human rights in the digital age is up and running and busy planning future activities, including our first business meeting (date, t.b.a.). Our first priority is to reach out to all members of the NNHRR who are working on topics within our spheres of interest.

The working group currently has two main tracks:

  • Track 1: New frontiers of free expression and public debate in the digital age
  • Track 2: New frontiers of privacy and data protection in the digital age

We also intend to actively work on other topics, such as the human rights dimension to artificial intelligence. For more information about our thematic interests, please see the official description of the working group.

We are now enthusiastically inviting members to get in touch and share their research interests, including details of relevant ongoing projects and activities. We are also eager to hear ideas for themes that the working group could explore in the coming period.

To join the working group or for further information, please contact either of the working
group’s co-chairs:
Tarlach McGonagle
Aviva de Groot