Melinda Rucz



Rucz, M., van Daalen, O., van Hoboken, J.

Export control of cybersurveillance items in the new dual-use regulation: The challenges of applying human rights logic to export control

In: Computer Law & Security Review, vol. 48, 2023.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Rucz, M.

SLAPPed by the GDPR: protecting public interest journalism in the face of GDPR-based strategic litigation against public participation

In: Journal of Media Law, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 378-405, 2022.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Irion, K., Rucz, M., Senftleben, M.

Contribution to the public consultation on the European Media Freedom Act

In: 2022.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Koot, M., Rucz, M., van Daalen, O., van Hoboken, J.

The new rules for export control of cyber-surveillance items in the EU

2021, (Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.).

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Bouchè, G., Fahy, R., McGonagle, T., Rucz, M., Sangen, A, van der, Seel, M., Stapel, S.

Safety of journalists and the fighting of corruption in the EU

2020, (Prof. dr. T. McGonagle - Project Leader - European Parliament - Policy Department for Citizen's Rights and Constitutional Affairs - Directorate-General for Internal Policies - July 2020).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Rucz, M.

Does the doctrine of exhaustion apply to videogames purchased digitally? French court says oui

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2019.

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Rucz, M.

Territorial scope of the “right to erasure” limited to the EU

In: IRIS, 2019.

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