Blockchain, Law & Policy workshop

The BLES—Business Law and Economics Symposium (consisting of an Association of Business Law and Economics Professors from the University of Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tilburg University), the Blockchain & Society Policy Research Lab at IViR, and the Center for Law & Economics at ETH Zurich, presents the Blockchain, Law & Policy workshop.

Blockchain architectures, distributed ledger systems and smart contracts are en vogue these days. However, their long-term effects on the legal and financial system and on economic activity in general are still unclear. This workshop aims at looking beyond the buzz. An interdisciplinary group of researchers from law, economics, finance, computer science and logic will engage in an in-depth discussion of ongoing research – from early stage to stable working papers – that focuses on the promises, challenges and implications of distributed ledger systems and smart contracts. This is the third BLES meeting.

  February 12th, 2018 (8:30-17:15)
Location:  IViR Room, room 5.24, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam, Roeterseilandcampus – building A, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam

8:30-9:00 BREAKFAST
9:00-9:15 Opening statement by Stefan Bechtold & Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci

Session 1:
9:15-10:15 Luis Garicano (LSE): The Governance of Blockchain: Hard Forks, Cryptocurrency and Norms
10:15-10:45 COFFEE BREAK
10:45-11:45 Davide Grossi (Groningen): A Social Choice-Theoretic Analysis of the Stellar Consensus Protocol
11:45-12:45 Stefan Bechtold (ETH Zurich) & Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci (UvA): Property Without Law: Personalized Property Rights Through New Contracting Technologies

12:45-14:00 LUNCH (served in the conference room)

14:00-14;45 Joris Cramwinckel (Ortec Finance, Rotterdam): Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts: Potential and Limits, with an Application to Pensions
14:45-15:45 Hermann Elendner (HU Berlin): Liquidity and Resiliency of Crypto-currency Markets

15:45:16:15 COFFEE BREAK
16:15-17:15 Balázs Bodó, Daniel Gervais and João Quintais (Amsterdam): Who Needs Copyright When We Have Blockchain and Smart Contracts?

See the detailed program and the abstracts here: Blockchain Program 2018