Opportunity to study International Copyright or Privacy Law and Policy this summer in Amsterdam

We are happy to announce applications for Civil Society Scholarships are now open for the International Copyright Law Summer Course and the Privacy Law and Policy Summer Course organised by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The course will take place from 3-7 July 2017 in Amsterdam.

Additional information, including a link for online registration, is available on the IViR website and the course flyer.

Civil Society Scholarships supported by the Open Society Foundations
IViR, in collaboration with the Open Society Foundations, invites civil society advocates working in digital rights advocacy to apply to the courses. Please note that this call does not target academics and government officials.

Scholarships covering the Summer Course fee, as well as an adequate contribution toward travel and accommodation costs are available for eight civil society participants that will be able to make use of the knowledge they would gain in these courses in their daily work. Successful scholarship applicants from non-OECD countries will also receive a per diem of 30 EUR for the duration of the summer course.

Scholarship recipients will be asked to produce a brief report at the end of the course.

If you wish to apply, please complete the online application form available at the course website and indicate in the text box that you are applying for the “OSF Civil Society Scholarship”. Please enter a statement (approximately 500 words) in the text box explaining your motivation for attending the summer course you are applying for and how the course would benefit the work of your organization.

Please apply as soon as possible but no later than April 28, 2017, if you want to be considered for the Civil Society Scholarship. Acceptance notifications will be sent during the course of May 2017.