Launch of the Information Law and Policy Lab on Monday 20 May 2019
The Institute for Information Law (IViR) is delighted to invite you to the launch of the Glushko Samuelson
Information Law and Policy Lab
at the University of Amsterdam on
Monday 20 May 2019 from 15:00 to 17:00
The Lab is a student-run, IViR-supported initiative to develop and promote research-based policy solutions that protect fundamental rights in the field of European information law. The Lab will be actively working with partners and stakeholders in this field. (See also: Donation to Establish Information Law and Policy Lab).
From 15:00 to 17:00 we have an attractive program, featuring a series of short presentations, followed by drinks. Speakers include Pam Samuelson, Bob Glushko, André Nollkaemper, Marietje Schaake (European Parliament), Hans de Zwart (Bits of Freedom), Bernt Hugenholtz and Stef van Gompel. Lab students will give presentations on current projects:
- The implications of the Press Publishers’ Right (art. 15 of the recently adopted Copyright in the DSM Directive) for journalists and bloggers;
- The revision of the (e-Commerce Directive’s) regulatory framework on notice and action-policies of internet intermediary platforms.
We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail to and look forward to welcoming you on 20 May. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Bernt Hugenholtz, Stef van Gompel and Ot van Daalen
The launch event will be held at the
Institute for Information Law
University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam
Roeterseilandcomplex (REC A), 5th floor
P.O. Box 15514 | 1001 NA Amsterdam
T: +31 (0)20 525 3920