How independent are you really?: Updating the INDIREG methodology for future assessments of media regulators’ independence

The 2011 INDIREG methodology ( formulates a scientifically-backed methodology to assess the formal and actual independence of media regulators. In 2018, the EU legislator passed a legislative update of the Audiovisual Media Service Directive that would mandate independent regulatory bodies in the member states, while specifying some of the requirements to guarantee this independence. This in turn will increase the need for a tool with which different aspects of independence can be assessed and monitored. This project is about evaluating and updating the INDIREG methodology in light of the latest developments, new competences of media regulators and insights from applying the tool. This in turn will ensure the continued relevance of the INDIREG methodology to be used for the next lifecycle of assessment media regulators’ independence. We are grateful for the project’s funding by the Stichting Democratie en Media (SDM) to implement this report.


Irion, K.; Delinavelli, G.; Coutinho, M. F.; Fahy, R.; Jusić, T.; Klimkiewicz, B.; Llorens, C.; Rozgonyi, K.; Svensson, S.; Kersevan Smokvina, T.; Til, G. van

The independence of media regulatory authorities in Europe Technisch verslag

2019, (Capello, M. (ed.), IRIS Special 2019-1, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg).

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Coche, E.; Irion, K.

How independent are you really? Updating the INDIREG methodology for future assessments of media regulators' independence: Workshop report Technisch verslag


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