Festive Symposium 2nd IViR Science Fiction & Information Law short story competition

In 2021, we published the call for stories for the
2nd IViR Science Fiction & Information Law short story competition.

We received many submissions that reflected on our automated future, where algorithms, AI and virtual agents became part of our everyday reality.

On June 28, 2022 we will have a festive symposium with the winners of the competition.

After the two finalists have read from their contribution, we will engage with them in a debate about what their stories could implicate for our future, and the future of information law.

You can read the stories from our two finalists here:

by Martha Larson

“Today was the first day of the semester. What will the students be like? Will they appreciate the guidance of someone old enough to remember fountain pens? Someone who sometimes says “Artificial Intelligence” instead of ai? Will they focus on today’s ai, or also think forward to the future?”

by Arianna Rossi

It was the Social Accountability class that Miss Corvacci held every Monday for around sixty pupils in their 4th grade. That day, Olivia, a short-haired kid with a bashful look, was desperately trying to hide in the most tucked-away corner of the classroom. Given that she was 1.50 meters even though she had just turned 10, it was not an easy task.

3:15 – 3:30Doors open & coffee/tea
3:30 – 3:45Welcome and introduction by Joost Poort and Natali Helberger
3:45 – 4:10Story reading
4:10 – 4:50In debate with the finalists
4:50 – 5:00Announcing the winner
5:00Get-together & drinks

Please register for this festive event by sending an email to
Nathalie van Doorn (n.p.vandoorn@uva.nl)

Projectile trains for the moon drawn by Montaut in 1890 to illustrate Jules Verne’s book From the Earth to the Moon.