Balázs Bodó


Bodó, B., van den Brink, J.E., Janssen, H., Meiring, A., Ortlep, R., van Eechoud, M., van Hoboken, J., Verboeket, L.W.

Gemeentelijke grip op private sensorgegevens: Juridisch kader voor het gemeentelijke handelingsperspectief bij de verwerking van private sensorgegevens in de openbare ruimte

2023, (Onderzoek in opdracht van de gemeente Amsterdam).

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Barbereau, T., Bodó, B.

Beyond financial regulation of crypto-asset wallet software: In search of secondary liability

In: Computer Law & Security Review, vol. 49, no. 105829, 2023.

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Bodó, B., Janssen, H.

Maintaining trust in a technologized public sector

In: Policy and Society, 2022.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Antal, D., Bodó, B., Handke, C.W., Kretschmer, M., Margoni, T., Poort, J., Quintais, J., Schwemer, S., Senftleben, M., van Gompel, S.

Ensuring the Visibility and Accessibility of European Creative Content on the World Market: The Need for Copyright Data Improvement in the Light of New Technologies

In: JIPITEC, vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. 67-86, 2022.

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Bodó, B., Giannopoulou, A., Mezei, P., Quintais, J.

The rise of NFTs: These aren't the droids you're looking for

In: European Intellectual Property Review, 2022.

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Bodó, B., Giannopoulou, A., Irion, K., Janssen, H.

Personal data ordering in context: the interaction of meso-level data governance regimes with macro frameworks

In: Internet Policy Review, vol. 10, no. 3, 2021.

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Bodó, B.

The commodification of trust

In: Blockchain & Society Policy Research Lab Research Nodes, no. 1, 2021.

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Bodó, B., Giannopoulou, A., Mezei, P., Quintais, J.

The Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and the Role of Copyright Law – Part II

Kluwer Copyright Blog 2021.

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Bodó, B., Giannopoulou, A., Mezei, P., Quintais, J.

The Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and the Role of Copyright Law – Part I

Kluwer Copyright Blog 2021.

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Antal, D., Bodó, B., Puha, Z.

Can scholarly pirate libraries bridge the knowledge access gap? An empirical study on the structural conditions of book piracy in global and European academia

In: PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no. 12, 2020.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B.

Mediated trust: A theoretical framework to address the trustworthiness of technological trust mediators

In: New Media & Society, 2020.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Appelman, N., Bodó, B., Schwichow, H. von

Money talks? The impact of corporate funding on information law research

2020, (Amsterdam: IViR, Berlin: European Hub of the NoC).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Handke, C.W., Quintais, J., Vallbé, J.

Knocking on Heaven’s Door: User preferences on digital cultural distribution

In: Internet Policy Review, vol. 8, no. 2, 2019.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B.

Selling News to Audiences – A Qualitative Inquiry into the Emerging Logics of Algorithmic News Personalization in European Quality News Media

In: Digital Journalism, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 1054-1075, 2019.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B.

The science of piracy, the piracy of science. Who are the science pirates and where do they come from: Part 2

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, vol. 2019, 2019.

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Bodó, B., Dobber, T., Fahy, R., Irion, K., Kruikemeier, S., Möller, J., Stapel, S., Vreese, C.H. de, Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.

Online politieke microtargeting: Een zegen of een vloek voor de democratie?

In: Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB), vol. 2019, no. 10, pp. 528-669, 2019.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B.

The science of piracy, the piracy of science. Who are the science pirates and where do they come from: Part 1

In: Kluwer Copyright Blog, vol. 2019, 2019.

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Bodó, B., Ferrari, V., Giannopoulou, A., Quintais, J.

Blockchain and the Law: A Critical Evaluation

In: Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy, vol. 2, no. 1, 2019.

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Bodó, B., Handke, Christian W., Quintais, J.

Truce in the Copyright War? The Pros and Cons of Copyright Compensation Systems for Digital Use

In: Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 23-56, 2019.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Eskens, S., Helberger, N., Möller, J.

Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization

In: Digital Journalism, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 206-229, 2019.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Gervais, D.J., Quintais, J.

Blockchain and smart contracts: the missing link in copyright licensing?

In: International Journal of Law and Information Technology, vol. 2018, no. 4, pp. 311-336, 2018.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B.

The Genesis of Library Genesis: The Birth of a Global Scholarly Shadow Library

In: 2018, (Chapter in: Shadow Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education / J. Karaganis (ed.), The MIT Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2018. ISBN: 9780262535014.).

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Bodó, B.

Library Genesis in Numbers: Mapping the Underground Flow of Knowledge

In: 2018, (Chapter in: Shadow Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education / J. Karaganis (ed.), The MIT Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2018. ISBN: 9780262535014.).

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Bodó, B., Dobber, T., Fahy, R., Irion, K., Kruikemeier, S., Möller, J., Vreese, C.H. de, Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.

Online Political Microtargeting: Promises and Threats for Democracy

In: Utrecht Law Review, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 82-96, 2018.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Helberger, N., Vreese, C.H. de

Political micro-targeting: a Manchurian candidate or just a dark horse?

In: Internet Policy Review, vol. 2017, no. 4, 2018.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Bol, N., Es, B. van, Helberger, N., Irion, K., Möller, J., Velde, B. van de, Vreese, C.H. de, Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.

Tackling the Alggorithmic Control Crisis - the Technical, Legal, and Ethical Challenges of Research into Algorithmic Agents

In: Yale Journal of Law & Technology, vol. 19, pp. 133-180, 2017.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Eskens, S., Helberger, N., Möller, J., Trilling, D., Vreese, C.H. de, Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.

Algoritmische verzuiling en filter bubbles: een bedreiging voor de democratie?

In: Computerrecht, vol. 2016, no. 5, pp. 255-262, 2016.

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Bodó, B., Helberger, N., Möller, J., Trilling, D., Vreese, C.H. de, Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.

Should we worry about filter bubbles?

In: Internet Policy Review, vol. 5, no. 1, 2016.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Handke, C.W., Quintais, J., Vallbé, J.

Knocking on Heaven's Door - User Preferences on Digital Cultural Distribution

In: 2015.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., Handke, C.W., Vallbé, J.

Going means trouble and staying makes it double: the value of licensing recorded music online

In: Journal of Cultural Economics, 2015.

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Bodó, B.

Hacktivism 1-2-3: how privacy enhancing technologies change the face of anonymous hacktivism

In: Internet Policy Review, vol. 3, no. 4, 2015.

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Bodó, B., Lakatos, Z.

Theatrical distribution and P2P movie piracy: a survey of P2P networks in Hungary using transactional data

In: International Journal of Communication, vol. 6, pp. 413–445, 2012.

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