

Lucie Guibault


Butler, B., Carroll, M., Cohen-Sasson, O., Contreras, J.L., Craig, C., Flynn, S., Guibault, L., Jaszi, P., Jütte, B.J., Katz, A., Margoni, T., Quintais, J., Rocha de Souza, A., Sag, M., Samberg, R., Schirru, L., Senftleben, M., Tur-Sinai, O.

Legal reform to enhance global text and data mining research: Outdated copyright laws around the world hinder research

In: Science, vol. 378, iss. 6623, pp. 951-953, 2022.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Carroll, M., Flynn, S., Geiger, C., Guibault, L., Margoni, T., Quintais, J., Sag, M.

Implementing User Rights for Research in the Field of Artificial Intelligence: A Call for International Action

In: European Intellectual Property Review, vol. 2020, no. 7, Forthcoming.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bogataj Jancic, M., Botero, C., Butler, B., Carroll, M., Craig, C., Flynn, S., Geiger, C., Guibault, L., Jaszi, P., Margoni, T., Ncube, C., Quintais, J., Rocha de Souza, A., Sag, M., Scaria, A.G., White, B.

Joint Comment to WIPO on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence

In: 2020.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Caspers, M., Ende, M. van der, Guibault, L., Meindert, L., Poort, J., Roos, O. de, Stellingwerf, S.

Onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van de afdracht van leenrechtvergoedingen (2006-2015)


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie van de EU 16 november 2016 (Soulier & Doke / Frankrijk)

In: AMI, no. 2, pp. 87-93, 2017.

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Guibault, L., van Gompel, S.

Collective management in the European Union

In: Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights, 2015, Chapter 5, pp. 139-174, Wolters Kluwer, 3, 2017, ISBN: 9789041154415.

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Guibault, L., Salamanca, O.

Remuneration of authors of books and scientific journals, translators, journalists and visual artists for the use of their works

2016, ISBN: 9789279541292, (Final report. A study prepared for the European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., van Eechoud, M.

International copyright reform in support of open legal information (working paper draft, Sep. 2016)

In: 2016, (Paper for Open Data Research Symposium Madrid 2016 ).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Caspers, M., Guibault, L.

Baseline report of policies and barriers of TDM in Europe


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Guibault, L.

Individual Licensing Models and Consumer Protection

2016, ( In: <em>Exploring Sensible Ways for Paying Copyright Owners?</em>, R.M. Hilty & K.-C. Liu (eds.), Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer 2016, forthcoming. ).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Cultural Heritage Online? Settle it in the Country of Origin of the Work

In: JIPITEC, no. 3, pp. 173-191., 2016.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Les aléas du livre numérique aux Pays-Bas

In: Les Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle, no. 3, pp. 1199-1205., 2015.

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Guibault, L., Margoni, T.

Legal aspects of open access to publicly funded research


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Salamanca, O., van Gompel, S.

Remuneration of authors and performers for the use of their works and the fixations of their performances


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Museums


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Handke, C.W., Vallbé, J.

Is Europe Falling Behind in Data Mining? Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research

In: 2015.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Hugenholtz, P., van Gompel, S.

Extended collective licensing: panacee voor massadigitalisering?

In: 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Quintais, J.

Copyright, technology and the exploitation of audiovisual works in the EU

In: IRIS Plus, no. 4, pp. 9-24., 2014, ( Lead article in IRIS plus 2014-4. ).

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Guibault, L.

Trouver le diamant dans la mine de données ou les implications juridiques de l'exploration de données

In: Documentalist-Sciences de l'Information, no. 2, pp. 23-25, 2014.

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Guibault, L., Handke, C.W., Hargreaves, I., Martens, B., Valcke, P.

Standardisation in the area of innovation and technological development, notably in the field of Text and Data Mining

Luxembourg, 2014, ISBN: 9789279367434, ( Report from the Expert Group. ).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Margoni, T.

Safe to be open: Study on the protection of research data and recommendations for access and usage

2013, ISBN: 9783863951474, ( With contributions by Nils Dietrich, Lucie Guibault, Thomas Margoni, Krzysztof Siewicz, Gerald Spindler and Andreas Wiebe. See also the <a href="/syscontent/uploads/2013_12_19_dd3e185ee06e75e52a34b728b28e8488"><span style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34);">summary of findings</span></a> ).

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Guibault, L.

Licensing Research Data under Open Access Conditions


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Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Loos, M.B.M., Mak, C., Pessers, L., van der Sloot, B.

Digital Consumers and the Law: Towards a Cohesive European Framework

Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2013, ISBN: 9789041140494.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Helberger, N.

Clash of cultures - integrating copyright and consumer law

In: Info, no. 6, pp. 23-33, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Akker, I., Breemen, J., Guibault, L., Poort, J., van der Noll, R., van Gompel, S., Weda, J.

Flexible Copyright: The Law and Economics of Introducing and Open Norm in the Netherlands

Amsterdam, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

The Press Exception in the Dutch Copyright Act

In: A Century of Dutch Copyright Law. Auteurswet 1912-2012, P.B. Huegnholtz, A.A. Quaedvlieg & D.J.G Vi, deLex 2012, Amsterdam, 2012, ISBN: 9789086920372, (Published in P.B. Hugenholtz, A. Quaedvlieg, D. Visser (eds.), A Century of Dutch Copyright Law, Amsterdam, deLex, 2012, pp. 443-475.).

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Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Loos, M.B.M., Mak, C., Pessers, L.

Digital content contracts for consumers

In: Journal of Consumer Policy, no. 1, pp. 37-57, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Baidoo, D., Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Kadouch, A., Loos, M.B.M., Mak, C., Pessers, L., van der Sloot, B.

Digital content services for consumers: Comparative analysis of the applicable legal frameworks and suggestions for the contours of a model system of consumer protection in relation to digital content

2012, ( Report 1: Country reports, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL) & Institute for Information Law (IViR), 2012. ).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Axhamn, J., Guibault, L.

Solving Europeana's mass-digitization issues through Extended Collective Licensing?

In: Nordiskt Immateriellt Rättsskydd, no. 6, pp. 509-516, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Brussels Memorandum of Understanding inzake digitalisering en online beschikbaarstelling van out-of-commerce boeken en tijdschriften

In: AMI, no. 6, pp. 221-226, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

The Netherlands: Darfurnica, Miffy and the right to parody!

In: Jipitec, no. 3, pp. 236-248, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Loos, M.B.M., Mak, C.

The Regulation of Digital Content Contracts in the Optional Instrument of Contract Law

In: European Review of Private Law, no. 6, pp. 729-758, 2012.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Cseres, K.J., Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Loos, M.B.M., Mak, C., Pessers, L., van der Sloot, B., Tigner, R.

Analysis of the applicable legal frameworks and suggestions for the contours of a model system of consumer protection in relation to digital content contracts ( )

2011, ( Final report, comparative analysis, law & economics analysis, assessment and development of recommendations for possible future rules on digital content contracts. Zie voor meer informatie ook de<a href=""><span style="color:#b22222;"> website</span></a> van de Europese Commissie. ).

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Angelopoulos, C., Guibault, L., van Eechoud, M.

Friends or Foes? Creative Commons, Freedom of Information Law and the European Union Framework for Reuse of Public Sector Information


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Axhamn, J., Guibault, L.

Cross-border extended collective licensing: a solution to online dissemination of Europe’s cultural heritage?


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Guibault, L.

Report of the Netherlands


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Guibault, L.

Owning the Right to Open Up Access to Scientific Publications


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Guibault, L.

Open Content Licensing from Theory to Practice - An Introduction


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Guibault, L., van Gompel, S.

Collective Management in the European Union,


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Angelopoulos, C., Angelopoulos, C., Guibault, L.

Creative Commons and Related Rights in Sound Recordings: Are the Two Systems Compatible?


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Angelopoulos, C., Guibault, L.

Open Content Licensing from Theory to Practice

Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2011, ISBN: 9789089643070.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Hugenholtz, P., van der Sloot, B., van Eechoud, M., van Gompel, S.

Report of the Netherlands for ALAI 2011 Study Days (Dublin)


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Guibault, L.

Creative Commons Licenses: What to Do with the Database Right?

In: no. 6, 2011.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Annotatie bij Rb. Amsterdam 20 mei 2009 (Iglesias & Jungle Aire / Sony BMG)


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Why Cherry Picking Never Leads to Harmonisation: The Case of the Limitations on Copyright under Directive 2001/29/EC

In: Jipitec, no. 2, pp. 55-66, 2010.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Angelopoulos, C., Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Swart, E., van Eijk, N., van Hoboken, J.

User-Created-Content: Supporting a participative Information Society, Final Report

2009, ( Studie in opdracht van de Europese Commissie, uitgevoerd door IDATE, TNO en IViR. ).

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Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Hugenholtz, P., van Eechoud, M., van Gompel, S.

Harmonizing European Copyright Law: The Challenges of Better Lawmaking

Kluwer Law International , Alphen aan den Rijn, 2009, ISBN: 9789041131300.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., van Eechoud, M., van Gompel, S.

The European Concern with Copyright and Related Rights

In: 2009, ( In: <em>Harmonizing European Copyright Law: The Challenges of Better Lawmaking</em>, Information Law Series, nr. 19, Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International 2009. ).

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Guibault, L.

Auteursrecht en Open leermiddelen

Amsterdam, 2009.

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Guibault, L.

Creative Commons: Struggling to ‘Keep it Simple’


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Guibault, L.

Accommodating the Needs of iConsumers: Making Sure They Get Their Money's Worth of Digital Entertainment

In: Journal of Consumer Policy, no. 4, pp. 409, 2008.

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Guibault, L.

Halleluja: Buma's aansluitvoorwaarden krijgen zegen van NMa!

In: AMI, no. 4, pp. 85-93, 2008.

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Guibault, L., Mom, G.J.H.M.

Evaluatie van de artikelen 29a en 29b van de Auteurswet 1912

2008, ( Onderzoek in opdracht van het WODC (Ministerie van Justitie). ).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Hugenholtz, P., Rieber-Mohn, T., van Eechoud, M., Westkamp, G.

Study on the Implementation and Effect in Member States' Laws of Directive 2001/29/EC on the Harmonisation of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., van Gompel, S.

Collective Management in the European Union


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Guibault, L.

Wrapping Information in Contract: How Does it Affect the Public Domain?


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Hugenholtz, P., van Eechoud, M., van Gompel, S.

The Recasting of Copyright & Related Rights for the Knowledge Economy


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Hugenholtz, P.

The Future of the Public Domain - Identifying the Commons in Information Law

Kluwer Law International , The Hague, 2006, ISBN: 9041124357.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., van Daalen, O.

Unravelling the myth around open source licences : An analysis from a Dutch and European law perspective

T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague, 2006, ISBN: 9067042145.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L., Helberger, N.

Copyright Law and Consumer Protection


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

The Legal Protection of Broadcast Signals'

In: IRIS Plus, no. 10, 2004.

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Guibault, L.

A quand l'octroi de licences transfrontières pour l'utilisation de droits d'auteur et de droits voisins en Europe?’

In: Les Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle, vol. 16, pp. 189-208, 2004.

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Guibault, L.

Vous qui téléchargez des oeuvres de l'Internet, pourrait-on savoir qui vous êtes?

In: Revue du Droit des Technologies de l'Information, no. 18, pp. 9-31, 2004.

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Guibault, L., Hugenholtz, P.

Copyright contract law: towards a statutory regulation?


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Guibault, L., Hugenholtz, P.

Auteurscontractenrecht: naar een wettelijke regeling?


(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

The nature and scope of limitations and exceptions to copyright and neighbouring rights with regard to general interest missions for the transmission of knowledge: prospects for their adaptation to the digital environment

In: Copyright Bulletin, 2003.

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Guibault, L.

The reprography levies across the European Union


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Geffen, S.J. van, Guibault, L., Hugenholtz, P.

The Future of Levies in a Digital Environment


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Guibault, L.

Le tir manqué de la Directive européenne sur le droit d'auteur dans la société de l'information,

In: Les Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle, no. 2, pp. 537-573, 2002.

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Berghuis, M., Guibault, L., Hugenholtz, P., Vermunt, M.A.R.

Study on the conditions applicable to contracts relating to intellectual property in the European Union

2002, ( Eindrapport, studie in opdracht van de EG, mei 2002. ).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Discussion paper on the question of Exceptions to and limitations on copyright and neighbouring rights in the digital era


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Guibault, L.

Copyright Limitations and Contracts - An Analysis of the Contractual Overridability of Limitations on Copyright, Information Law Series

Kluwer Law International, London / The Hague / Boston, 2002, ISBN: 9041198679.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Agreements between Authors or Performers and Collective Rights Societies: Comparative Study of Some Provisions

Canada, Montreal, 2001.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Guibault, L.

Les programmes d'ordinateur et le droit d'innovation technologique

In: Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle, vol. 1997, no. 2, pp. 171-202, 2001.

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Guibault, L.

Pre-emption Issues in the Digital Environment: Can Copyright Limitations Be Overridden by Contractual Agreements under European Law?


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Guibault, L.

Limitations found outside of copyright law


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