Programme 2023 – EPR Summer Course

Monday 3 July 2023
9:30-10:00Welcome and opening
by Joris van Hoboken
10:00-12:00EU Intermediary Liability Law
by Folkert Wilman
13:00-15:00Course introductions and introduction to platform regulation
by Joris van Hoboken and Paddy Leerssen
15:30-17:30Key issues in platform regulation
by Daphne Keller
Tuesday 4 July 2023
9:30-12:00Platforms and the Digital Markets Act
by Alexandre de Streel
13:00-15:00Online harms, due diligence and access to justice
by Naomi Appelman and Rachel Griffin
15:30-17:30Interoperability and platform regulation
by Ian Brown
Wednesday 5 July 2023
9:30-12:00The risk-based approach for platform regulation in the EU and the UK  
by Owen Bennett
Thursday 6 July 2023
9:30-12:00The Governance of Research Access to Platform Data
by Rebekah Tromble
13:00-15:00DSA Advertising and influencer law
by Catalina Goanta
15.30-17.30Platforms and Power: A Global Perspective of Platform Regulation
by Chinmayi Arun
Friday 7 July 2023
9:30-12:00A Legal Practice Perspective on European Platform Regulation
by Remy Chavannes
13:00-15:00National Level Regulatory Oversight of Platforms and Coordination
by Benoît Loutrel
15:30-17:30Closing keynote: The DSA and the European Commission
with special guest speaker Prabhat Agarwal, Head of Unit DG Connect