Arlette Meiring


Meiring, A., Quintais, J., Senftleben, M.

How the EU Outsources the Task of Human Rights Protection to Platforms and Users: The Case of UGC Monetization

In: Berkeley Technology Law Journal, vol. 38, ed. 3, pp. 933-1010, 2024.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Bodó, B., van den Brink, J.E., Janssen, H., Meiring, A., Ortlep, R., van Eechoud, M., van Hoboken, J., Verboeket, L.W.

Gemeentelijke grip op private sensorgegevens: Juridisch kader voor het gemeentelijke handelingsperspectief bij de verwerking van private sensorgegevens in de openbare ruimte

2023, (Onderzoek in opdracht van de gemeente Amsterdam).

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Meiring, A., Quintais, J., Senftleben, M.

Outsourcing Human Rights Obligations and Concealing Human Rights Deficits: The Example of Monetizing User-Generated Content Under the CDSM Directive and the Digital Services Act

In: 2023.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Brogi, E., Fahy, R., Idiz, D., Irion, K., Meiring, A., Parcu, P.L., Poort, J., Seipp, T., Verza, S. et. al.

Study on media plurality and diversity online

2022, ISBN: 978-92-76-51323-0, (Report commissioned by European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, written by Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), European University Institute, CiTiP (Centre for Information Technology and Intellectual Property) of KU Leuven, Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam (IViR/UvA), Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology, VUB- SMIT)).

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Buri, I., Chapman, M., Culloty, E., Drunen, M. van, Fahy, R., Giannopoulou, A., Gil González, E., Heuvelhof, C. ten, Meiring, A., Strycharz, J.

New actors and risks in online advertising

2022, ISSN: 2079-1062, (IRIS Special 2022-1, European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg).

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