Improvement of EU Copyright Data

Programme Description

In the European Strategy for Data, the European Commission highlighted the EU’s ambition to acquire a leading role in the data economy. At the same time, the Commission conceded that the EU would have to increase its pools of quality data available for use and re-use. As this need for enhanced data quality and interoperability is particularly strong in the creative industries, this project examines avenues for the improvement of EU copyright data. Without better data, unprecedented opportunities for monetising the wide variety of creative content in EU Member States and making this content available for new technologies, such as artificial intelligence systems, will most probably be lost. The problem has a worldwide dimension. While the US have already taken steps to provide an integrated data space for music, the EU is facing major obstacles not only in the field of music but also in other creative industry sectors.

Research Consortium

The research project is a collaboration of, and jointly funded by, IViR, the Centre for Information and Innovation Law (University of Copenhagen), CREATe (University of Glasgow), Erasmus University Rotterdam and KU Leuven.


On Thursday, 6 May 2021, an online workshop took place, based on this discussion paper:

Copyright Data Improvement in the EU – Towards Better Visibility of European Content and Broader Licensing Opportunities in the Light of New Technologies


Get together and welcome
Copyright Data – Status Quo and Improvement Initiatives in the EU and the US

Need for Improvement – Content Recommender Systems

Need for Improvement – AI System Training

Incentives for New Initiatives – Costs and Potential New Trade-offs in the Data Economy


  • Burri, Mira – University of Lucerne;
  • Cuntz, Alexander – Head, Creative Economy Section, WIPO;
  • Drazewski, Kasper – Senior Legal Research Officer – Consumer Law, BEUC;
  • van den Eijnde, Vincent – Director, Pictoright; President, European Visual Artists (EVA);
  • Flynn, Sean – Director, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, American University Washington College of Law;
  • Fossoul, Virginie – European Commission, DG GROW;
  • Garkova, Inna – European Commission, DG EAC;
  • Giorello, Marco – European Commission, DG CONNECT;
  • Hol, Eric – Chief Information Officer and Director Licensing, BumaStemra;
  • Kabai, Eszter Kabai – CLO, Artisjus;
  • Landova, Tereza – Head of Licensing, Intergram;
  • Martens, Bertin – Joint Research Centre (Seville) of the European Commission;
  • Miks, Tomas – Deputy CO, SOZA;
  • Müller, Benoît – Director, Copyright Management Division, WIPO;
  • van der Net, Cyril – Ministry of Justice and Security, The Netherlands;
  • Özgen, Burak – General Counsel, GESAC;
  • Ormosi, Peter – University of East Anglia;
  • Paic, Alan – OECD;
  • Peukert, Christian – HEC Lausanne;
  • Scacco, Gianpaolo – European Commission, DG EAC;
  • Schmid, Matthias – Ministry of Justice, Germany;
  • Towse, Ruth – Bournemouth University
  • Vanderveken, Inge – Legal & International Affairs, SABAM;
  • Vuopala, Anna – Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland;
  • Woods, Michele – Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO;
  • Wouters, Rodolphe – European Commission, DG CONNECT;


Senftleben, M.; Margoni, T.; Antal, D.; Bodó, B.; van Gompel, S.; Handke, C. W.; Kretschmer, M.; Poort, J.; Quintais, J.; Schwemer, S.

Ensuring the Visibility and Accessibility of European Creative Content on the World Market: The Need for Copyright Data Improvement in the Light of New Technologies Tijdschriftartikel

In: JIPITEC, vol. 13, ed. 1, pp. 67-86, 2022.

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